a little story about me..
I was born in Suffolk in 1980 and am the youngest of three brothers. My mum worked in a local primary school as a teacher and my dad spent most of my younger years working on the farm where I grew up. From an early age I was interested in peoples happiness and ended up studying applied psychology and later trained as a movement and drama therapist. After a few years I grew tired of focusing on the sickness of individuals within the mental health arena and decided I wanted to address ways of treating the sickness of society instead. This journey led me on a decade long, mad-hat adventure setting up social and cultural businesses that each at their heart have the shared aim of creating meaningful connections between people, their communities and the environment. This website is being written at a moment in time when I am discovering new ways of sharing all that I have learned. My intention is to dedicate the rest of my life to helping people realise projects and ideas that attempt to regenerate our culture and build resilience in all life supporting systems.