“This is no ordinary business coaching!”

the launch pod - take off

1 month of personal and professional support

3 whole day deep dives

3 x 2 hour peer coaching circles

Accountability circles

+ optional 1-to-1 coaching sessions and plenty of useful tools, practices, fun, courage, deep connection, and confidence in your role in supporting a world in crisis.


a few words on my approach to facilitation

The aim of good facilitation should always be to create space for easeful connection, communication and creativity. Whether this is holding a difficult meeting, exploring a companies vision for the future or deepening connection between members of a team. I design and deliver adventures that take people on a journey towards clarity, harmony and purpose. I specialize in creating transformative learning environments to help transcend ways of being that are no longer useful. I have 20+ years of experience as a therapist, facilitator, mentor and entrepreneur. My work focuses on bringing people into connection with themselves, with each other and with the natural world. The underlying drive of my work is to help people and the organizations that they are a part of thrive in a way that also builds resilience and vibrancy into the systems that support life in all its magical diversity!
